Monday, February 20, 2006

The tickets were a gift from Junie's father, of course.

Okay, I give up already.

People around me all time comment on how hot and beautiful Milla Jovovich, how talented an actress she is, etc, etc. I usually contend that although I am a big fan of The Fifth Element, I could never see it. So now I gracefully bow out and accept that yes, she is beautiful and yes, she is also talented. I've never seen any of the Resident Evil movies, so her acting talent goes without saying.

Day two of sickness. I felt worse this morning, it's only now starting to feel better after Jane gave me a crazy amount of Vitamin C (the Vitamin, not the singer). My throat still hurts and I have the shaking rattling cough of an old man, but these things aren't uncommon when I get sick. When I get sick, I turn into some blithering idiot, forced to roam the house in a t-shirt and track pants and wonder why television sucks now. I want to watch Family Matters.

My friend George called tonight, he leaves for good to the great City of Brotherly Love on March 1st. George was once the lead singer/guitarist of The Pebble That Saved The World before Jacob replaced him. He's a great guy, George. He'll be sorely missed by all. One great finale at Lou's on Sunday and then he will be in the midcities with his parents and then gone to the home of The Roots, Bill Cosby, Will Smith and and Kevin Bacon.

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