Monday, February 20, 2006

His name was Mr. Smith, but he didn't look like a Mr. Smith.

This weekends freak weather (which isn't actually 'freak' weather considering it is February) has left me with a sore throat and a headache.

Friday I got punched in the nose, yes, a bloody nose at 24. I got my first bloody nose when I was 11, by a kid named Josh. This time it was a fifty-four year old man who was having a bad day. I bled, it was sore, but it was over quickly. I just had a headache. No big deal

Saturday was our show at the Yellow House. The first band, Red Team Go! played for an hour. We had shaved our set list down to eight songs becuase we wanted to keep it short and sweet so Last of The Interceptors could have the night. Alas, they didn't go on until 2am. Some girl got punched in the face and had to be rushed out, Caleb got beaten up by some unknown drunk guy. I guess it was a rockin' good time, but I had to leave so I could go to work....

...late. I went to work late.

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