Sunday, December 28, 2008

The act of losing, however, can elicit great wisdom.

I finally started thinking about how I'm going to spend 2008. Since I only have the 4 days left, I guess I'm just going to continue eating bodega sandwiches, drinking and wondering if I should gather my GRE stuff together as I convince myself that next year is a good year to apply for grad school.

Things I've learned to enjoy in 2008:

- Anything made out of sweet potatoes
- Drinking beer in the shower
- leaning way dangerously forward while anchored on to something stationary, waiting for the train.
- The Dallas Cowboys
- copious amounts of Chinese food (mainly rice congee, juk)
- Getting e-mails
- Buses
- Hiking...
- New Jersey

Things I've learned not to enjoy in 2008:
- Anything above Central Park, really
- Snow. Snow. Snow
- bar covers or bar specials that aren't really special at all
- Drinking in Manhattan
- Crowds on the L train in the morning
- Yes, we can all hear your ipod
- The Dallas Cowboys

So, as I continue to regale over getting chased out of Chinese restaurants, daytrips upstate (Rockefeller State Park) and trying not to burn my hands cooking (see a much previous post), I'll think of you and yours for the next year. 2009 I think. I hope.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I was fired from VH1, not canceled.

I remember seeing this video somewhere before. I've had it stuck in my head all day. These people, I assume are French for some reason? My boss is French, and this is in an office... so maybe there's a mental connection there.

I'll be in NJ for the rest of the week. Maybe a special guest update from another state? Stay tuned next on Sick Sad World.

I wonder if Madoff would enjoy this..

Saturday, December 20, 2008

您知道I' 总是ll爱您

Although I do appreciate the snow, I don't think I'll ever like it. I don't think I'll ever accept it as a possible effect on my life. Not yet at least.
I've always had a soft spot in my heart for snow though. Watching it fall from my apartment window sends a chill through me, not a cold chill, but this chill of normality. This is a normal, plausible thing in life. This is weather. This is something that we know.
Do the oceans get jealous of rain and snow because these things fall on us? The way we're affected by these things we just accept as a precursor to our life. Does the ocean even acknowledge the presence of snow and rain?

Do I acknowledge the presence of the ocean as something that impacts my life as much as snow and rain?

Since I've been on this forced vacation (a labor of love, significantly) I've spent a lot of time just rehashing things. Let me get the record straight: Sometimes it's hard to look myself in the mirror. Not that I don't see myself, it's just hard to look at myself from that perspective at times. I think about the trouble I've caused, the things I've broken that I want to somehow magically unbreak, the things I want to fight for and seem to be doing a horrible job. I see someone that's been rescued and I've seen someone that's done a lot of rescuing. Someone that has no absolute connection, but wants to connect everything.

I dunno. Maybe it's the weather.