Sunday, December 28, 2008

The act of losing, however, can elicit great wisdom.

I finally started thinking about how I'm going to spend 2008. Since I only have the 4 days left, I guess I'm just going to continue eating bodega sandwiches, drinking and wondering if I should gather my GRE stuff together as I convince myself that next year is a good year to apply for grad school.

Things I've learned to enjoy in 2008:

- Anything made out of sweet potatoes
- Drinking beer in the shower
- leaning way dangerously forward while anchored on to something stationary, waiting for the train.
- The Dallas Cowboys
- copious amounts of Chinese food (mainly rice congee, juk)
- Getting e-mails
- Buses
- Hiking...
- New Jersey

Things I've learned not to enjoy in 2008:
- Anything above Central Park, really
- Snow. Snow. Snow
- bar covers or bar specials that aren't really special at all
- Drinking in Manhattan
- Crowds on the L train in the morning
- Yes, we can all hear your ipod
- The Dallas Cowboys

So, as I continue to regale over getting chased out of Chinese restaurants, daytrips upstate (Rockefeller State Park) and trying not to burn my hands cooking (see a much previous post), I'll think of you and yours for the next year. 2009 I think. I hope.

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