Friday, February 24, 2006

I want to explain what it felt like to cross the border from Chile to Peru.

This week has been nothing but a whirlwind of sickness and sleep.

For some reason my internal clock is messed up beyond belief. I guess it's just becuase late night after late night, and the absence or responsibility during the day. Except for class. This semester all my classes are those kinds of classes where attendence isn't required, so that's really horrible on my part. Oh well. I always make it by.

I'm really concerned about school though. I need to meet with my counselors and see what's in store for me. I'm supposed to graduate after I take this one tiny math class at NCTC and that'll be that. I'm worried that there's something else, and that I'm going to have to take another semester, and that I'll have to put off my life for another semester. I don't know how much more I can just keep putting things off like this. I'm going to be 25 and there's some much I always said I'd do by now, but alas, here I am. I need some initiative.

I found a Morrissey photo book for Jane today that made her happy. That's at least one thing that I can say I've accomplished before I turn 25: Make a lovely girl happy.

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