Friday, February 03, 2006

"If only I had an accordion," I thought.

I've been listening to a lot of soundtrack scores as of late. It started with downloading Jon Brion (I Heart Huckabees, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind) and went on to the Tosca Tango Orchestra. I can't explain it. Oh, and I got the new Arcade Fire and We Are Scientists. Good stuff.

Jacob's worried about the future of the band. Camella and I are graduating soon, Shea seems to have found Cartright more fitting, we have almost no shows lined up and the summer tour is on the rocks. What's new? I probably would be less stressed If I weren't playing, but at the same time I want to play. A conundrum. I do need to take time to write more...

...which leads to the rejection letter that I got this morning. What a wonderful thing to wake up to.
Here's a copy. I laughed at the letter, who couldn't? It's funny. I guess I'll hit up somewhere else.

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