Thursday, February 02, 2006

People pay a lot of money not to see rotating Josephs in your electronic nativity scene.

Slow couple of days. My parents are bothering me about my w-2 forms and whatnot, gotta get that money. I've never been impressed by any of my tax returns. Every year I get a smaller and smaller amount, so I'm over it. Over I tell you!

Band meeting. Sometimes I feel like the band is a house built on an unsteady foundation. We have a new keyboard player, Crystal Kazakos, that I know everyone will be dying to see. A possibility of Shea going overboard ( on his own account) but none of us can blame him. The guy's in two other bands, one of which is actually going to do something more serious. Godspeed. If he is able to quit his day job and play with Cartright full time forever and ever, that's great. He made the comment that like being in a band is "dating four other people. All the time." Which is very true. You feel obligated to those three other people constantly. Although serious parts are lacking, you still have to be in a relationship with these other people, like it or not.

I really want a cinnabon from Cinnabons. Or just a cinnamon bun from somewhere, not specified. Except not 7-11. They're all hard and crusty.

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