Monday, January 30, 2006

Professor Van Zyl is annoyed at the protesters outside his window.

I've been having really strange dreams lately. I dreamed that the band, all of us, received a letter from my grandmother. In perfect script handwriting it was addressed to The Pebble That Saved The World. I didn't read the address, but did notice that she had put two stamps on there.

This weekend I dreamed that I was by myself in the apartment, like Jane had left and I knew I wouldn't see her for a while. I just kind of putted around until I woke up.

I'm not big on dreams or anything, I don't think they can foretell anything or something will happen as a result of you dreaming, but it's just weird. Jane says everyone dreams, but I don't ever remember anything from sleeping. I don't know why these two things just keep coming up in my head, like on some sort of cycle. A Norse mill that just keeps dumping the same images into my mind.

In other news, new practice space, new keyboard player, new shows and a super secret summer tour announcement! So secret that it's being kept from everyone but Camella!

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