Friday, April 01, 2011

Top 10 of the Top 20's

Here it is- Top 10 of the 20's.

1.Descendents- Suburban Home
2. Black Tambourine- Throw Aggie From The Bridge
3. Son Volt- Windfall
4. They Might Be Giants- They'll Need A Crane
5. Pulp- Disco 2000
6. Little Grizzly-Today Is The Day
7. The Modern Lovers- I'm Straight
8. The Nails- 88 Lines About 44 Women
9. Tullycraft- Twee
10. The Clash- Lost In The Supermarket

It took a bit and listening to a ton of my music (which I haven't actually just SAT for a couple of hours and LISTENED) and a lot of cancelling things out. There were a lot of songs that came on the radio that I would crank up, there were a lot of songs from the bands I interviewed that were great. And although I listened to Stehen Malmus and The Jicks- Hook non-stop for weeks, it wasn't a tastemaker. But these are the songs that have followed me through the last 10 years, and I have a rich memory of where and when I first heard them all. One of them driving around really late at night and eating my eggs over medium at IHOP in the middle of the Metroplex, one of them on a dancefloor, trying to dance and not spill your drink at the same time. They are all important, and although written by other people I feel like they area also mine in a weird way.

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