About to watch Stranger Than Fiction. Everyone I talk to has mixed feelings about it, but I think I'll like it. The premise seems enchanting enough.
There's a protest, or was a protest at my old school. I got the newspaper clippings in the mail today. I miss going to school there, I miss a lot of the people I knew. Haven't kept up really with each other. I know that a few live in the D.C. area going to Gallaudet and a few friends live in Boston.
I slept nearly 12 hours today. I feel asleep listening to Yaz's Upstairs at Eric's. I was half asleep and thinking about how much I loved MAD Magazine as a kid. I would always buy the magazines, but my Dad had a stack from the 1970-1975 Al Jaffee era, the ones where every single strip was funny even to a 10 year old. My favorite was always Spy vs. Spy, because I always thought it'd be funny to see someone really do that, really get blown out of a cannon or slapped by a huge flyswatter- my humor still mainly consists of thinking of people in Spy vs. Spy situations. Although I had an appreciation for the comic my younger brother Dereck (who only appreciates literature spanning between The Dirtbike Kid The Catcher in the Rye and nothing else) took a black marker and elegantly filled in all of the white spies garb in most of the comics. I was really pissed.
Jacob went to jail today and he'll be alright becuase he said they have a Playstation.
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