Saturday, April 14, 2007

Do you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter?

I've notified both jobs when I'll be leaving, already paid my bills and rent for this month, paid for the few days I'll be here in May, paid off the credit card bill (Who knew if you paid in a lump sum they erase it from your record?) and closed my bank accounts. Furniture is slowly migrating out of my room.
I guess because it's so close it feels unreal that this will change a lot of things. Denton is home.

Apparently two tornadoes touched down in Dallas and in Ft. Worth. Unseasonably cold weather, 48 degrees for how much longer?

Good news: Instead of the WTMHMR job I was planning on taking, I'm taking a lesser paying much but rewarding job at the Big Spring Herald.
They have a position for fact checking, which is just more along the lines of handling resources and following up on people's stories. I'll probably involve a lot of livestock stories, maybe a few power lines being down. Someone seeing that Ghost Crane that plagued Big Spring when I was a kid (More on that later).

Handed out heartrapers pins last night at the bar/ Undoing of David Wright show. Why weren't people so emphatic about TPTSTW?

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