Saturday, April 07, 2007

Who's that down at the bottom of the garden? Who's that hiding under the sofa?

I turned my two week notice for Border's yesterday. No more discounts, no more towers of boxes or stripped covers, no more annoying customers and no more people asking me if I work there. Because after two weeks I don't, and you can find the Travel section yourself (it's under the sign that says TRAVEL).

Saw Grindhouse last night with Jacob and Co. Robert Rodriguez is still, and always, one of my favorite writers and directors. His contribution double-feature was Planet Terror, which I have a deep felt affection in my heart when people say Texas on the screen. It was the better of the two. Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof was good as well, but I'm a bit sick of the dialog he uses in his movies. It's not as bad as me never watching another Kevin Smith film, but it's nearing. Kurt Russel was amazing in Overboard.

Hailey's last night provided me meeting a model from Oakland (Nick's girlfriend?) and seeing Cletis Blackfoot and Liquid Bounce. I thought that Cletis Blackfoot was....alright. It was like a parade of Dallas MC's backed by UNT hippie Jazz majors. Liquid Bounce has sort of a brothers-in-arms relationship with Heartrapers. They're always at our shows, they support us, they always advertise our shows on their site and their personal site. It's a strange alliance between a hip hop/jazz group and whatever Heartrapers can be called.

title or description

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