With this invitation of a new job into my life, it also brings tiredness, irratability, lack of conscious thought, loss of appetite,a general malaise. That all sounds like something on the back of a some stomach ache medication that you find at CVS.
I finished J-Pod on Saturday. What a great book to end on a Saturday afternoon. I really enjoyed it although fans across the internet from rec.arts.books.reviews to microserfs are complaining. I wonder if when the reviews came in for Nabakov's Look at the Harlequins! came in people were saying he was over and spent?
I also read Nic Kelman's first novel, Girls. I thought the etymology of cunt and filling it with quotes from The Illiad and The Odyssey was interesting. He changed voices throughout the book, but the main stream of thought that flowed through the entire thing was the validation of men in power, how they can't see themselves in a position of power until someone else recognizes it. The thing is that the validation is through young girls. These men can't see themselves as what they've become unless some young hot thing recognizes. I guess it can be seen as the ultimate form of validation. It makes me wonder if this is also how Kelman feels, if this is his form of validation. I felt a little lukewarm about it, I don't know if I fully believe that every man in a position of power is like that. It's the same as Hostel, the I'm-so-powerful-and-I've-done-everything-exciting-except-for-holding-someones-life-in-my-hands
kind of idea.
Next week I'm going to start reading Max Barry's Company. I've read what a Canadian thinks about the American workplace, now I want a Australian's view on things.
nic kelman has supposedly been with his girlfriend for 13 years. at least that's what the book jacket tells me. maybe that's changed since 2003 (when the book was published).
Now I've got to go to the bookstore...
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