Friday, April 07, 2006

“One chicken sandwich,” I replied.

I am 98% sure that the world that surrounds me vis-a-vis the MHMR Center is full of cult members who worship Casualism. So many things there happen by accident, always leaning towards the positive. A conversation overheard while rifling through a desk for extra ink pens:
"So, do you think that someone will be there?"
"I don't know, he's been at the bus stop for about...I'd say an hour now."
"Well, you know he can't be in direct sunlight. He's taking Keflex."
"Yeah, well, I'm busy. Hey.."

At that point the person who apparently was standing at a bus stop somewhere on the other side of town without any supervision or way of getting home walks through the door.
"Hey, there he is."
Everything resumes as natural as that place can be.

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