Monday, April 24, 2006

I wasn't used to being looked at persistently, and they were looking.

My wanderlust has yet to be satiated. I guess I'm doomed to roam the planet, helping those in need, doing right to what's wrong, David Carradine style.I got three passports, couple of visas don't even know my real name. I guess I've got time. I was thinking today that I wish Jupiter had a real surface, not just gas, so I could put a mailbox there.

Fry Street Fair was awesome. We played at 1pm, well, more like 1:30pm becuase they didn't have the stage setup. Some guy I see at Andy's (Who oddly enough was dressed like a Wizard) worked the sound. I couldn't hear anything, Shea couldn't hear anything, But apparently the crowd did. It started of with about ten people milling about, then when I looked up it was a full house. It was enjoyable, people popping in off the street to see us play. We got invited to play next month with a couple of the other bands that were after us (Rats and Children, Fra Pandolf) and were going to play at TJ's again. I spent most of the afternoon wandering around, drinking free beer for the bands and taking pictures. I helped out Warren and Mike setup for The Spitfire Tumbleweeds, met Kinky Friedman. He's really old and really brash. He was funny though, but he just kind of repeated all the stuff that he's said before. It's amazing how many people don't know his background, or who he is or what he's written. Everyone is more like "Hey, a weird guy who's running for Governor. Let's vote for that guy." I really like his articles in Texas Monthly.
We played again at The Mulberry Street Fair (a.k.a another yellow house show) with Lazer, The Undoing of David Wright, Attractive and Popular, Sarah Reddington. I think that show went a lot better, more of our friends. It was free, so that means it was all of our friends. I was asked to join Crusader (A Luke Spann production) and I'm seriously mulling it over. Could be fun.
Here's all the pics of the Last Routine Therapy show and Fry Street Fair. Please to enjoy.

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