Thursday, April 13, 2006

Everyone else’s hands were normal.

I haven't been to a BBQ in a long time. Even yesterday, when it was advertised on Myspace as a BBQ and it turned out to just be a cookout (this was debated as we were stuck in traffic on I-35N).
I had never been to White Rock Lake before, but it seemed nice. The cookout went well although it was a little windy. Tish has turned 24 with bravado. Tina and I went to the shore to feed the ducks, which I hadn't done in years. I should probably do that more, but I'm afraid it'll get the best of me. I'll soon be that older man with a walking stick and some week old Mrs. Baird's bread, tied with a knot in a plastic sack, sitting at the pond at all odd hours of the day. What a life.

Jane Greg and I watched Steven Soderbergh's latest public offer, Bubble. I liked it if everyone else didn't. It was very true to life about how people try to make ends meet, and that life is pretty much continually mundane. No one in the movie really had any aspirations or anything, they just lived. It made me think of how I spent many nights in the breakroom at BSSH, eating a turkey sandwich while listening to weather reports on the radio and watching the clock.

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