Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday- 3 days away from Father's Day

Not really privvy to updating twice, but after reading this post on YumSugar, I felt like I had to say a little something.

My Dad- yes, is a Sci-Fi Dad. Not the flashy kind, or the uber- nerdy kind, but a Sci-Fi Dad.

He always new the answer to things (difference between Cumulus clouds and Stratus clouds) and knew how take apart a calculator and put it back together. He studied Chemistry and went to Texas Tech, but he just quit after he felt he learned enough about it. He went on to be a Field Chemist who made his own maps, because the part of Texas and Mexico he had to travel through didn't have any. They still use his mapping system at Champion Technologies today.
My dad bought us a Nintendo when we were young, and played our games with us until we apparently became to annoying to play with, then he just got his own Nintendo. Then, he started buying all the cool games and would let us only "borrow" them! As a child, not a good move, as an adult, yeah, you tell those kids they can't play Castlevania IV (which I borrowed, and beat, so eat it). And then he went out and bought his own Super Nintendo, then eventually weeks later we got to play it. He hated Sega. Never played Sega.

He always kept bottles of chemicals that were just labeled "Don't Open" or "Don't Touch" around the house, and then forgot what they were, so the bottles just got moved to the garage, where I'm sure they still are today.

He didn't say much about anything, unless you wanted to ask about the Universe or his favorite subject about different dimensions:
"Right now, there's someone out there just like us, driving down the same highway, but instead of a gray shirt that I'm wearing, is wearing a purple shirt. That's the only difference. And there are millions of those dimensions out there."

My dad liked to drink, he doesn't do it anymore, and he was crazy about Keystone. That was my first beer, and my last Keystone. I will never drink Keystone anymore.

Now, when I call him he's watching the Discovery Channel, or playing Black Ops, or just really chilling. He will say chilling. He tells my Mom to chill. He also has an iphone and constantly asks me why I got a Droid.

So, to you and your Geeky Dads, remind them on Sunday what a Geek they are.

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