Monday, August 27, 2007

I saw the Statue of Liberty from a very long distance. I know it usually equates freedom, but all I could think about was Ghostbusters.

I've finally gotten a close concept of the train layout.
I'm no expert or scientist like Ryan and Amy when it comes to catching them in the perfect place and hoisting themselves from one case of stairs to the next in order for a shorter ride, but I can get from Williamsburg to Madison Square Garden in about 30 min.
My new place isn't too far, only two or three more stops from Amy/Ryan's place on the L. It's in a rent controlled building on the first floor. Share with some Rutgers students -one, a painter who studies organic chemistry, another Chinese acrobat who at the time is in China with her family and performing, and last an experimental musician with a ton of electronic drum kits. They're all really nice, a bit granola around the edges, but still great people. We're actually having a bbq (the place has a backyard) when everything gets a bit mellow after school starts and people find their way.
Work is work. Border's is like this social experiment -take a bunch of people not from NYC and let them sell books to a lot of other people not from NYC. We do a lot of tourists and students, mostly from Europe. It's actually a time that I really like my job.
Rundown on what I've learned:
drink (beer)= $6
single mixed drink = $12
double mixed drink = never will know.
cab ride anywhere = $10-$30
Craigslist = Everyone uses it for everything.
hot dog- $2.00
part-time job = everyone has one, no matter what profession. Accountant/Dog Groomer. It happens.
iced coffee @ Gimme! Coffee= $1.95.
VitaminWater = Hell of all sorts of popular.
boogers = you don't know what's in your nose, ever.
shoes = buy trainers. No one cares if they match anything, buy fucking bright ass white Nikes and wear dark suits all the time.
homeless people = don't bother you really.
thugged out dudes = don't bother you really.

Got to stand next to Brian Posehn as a clueless bill handler handed him a show bill for a comedy show that was happening at the same time he was taping the Comedy Central show. Priceless.

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