Wednesday, June 13, 2007

There's nothing more tragic than a war in an Eskimo village.

I think it'd be really easy to get sucked back into having a life here.

I've been seeing a lot of old friends that I didn't really keep in touch with. It's like I left them right where they were, in the halls of the state hospital, the oil stained garages, in rows of cubicles staring at computer screens.
Same haircuts. Same skin problems. People sleeping with people that you never expected. Some people married, divorced, kids, but keeping the same pace like they were seven years ago.

I don't even have to wonder anymore. I know my life would be different had I stayed. Hindsight is great when you know you made the right decision. I decided to move, and in less than two weeks I was already in Denton. That was it. Everyone here talks about leaving, it's just they never do. It's not sad.
I'm not sad.

Don't watch Ghostrider. I wish I could review films for work, because I'd use 'ghastly' over and over and over.
Warm and Scratchy

Asobi Seksu is the new sex-u.

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