Wednesday, May 17, 2006

In fact, the amount of alcohol that I manage to get through in a week of not drinking would keep some people going for a year.

I haven't updated in a bit.

I spent Mother's Day weekend in Arkansas with my great-grandparents and my grandmother. They have a house out there, way back in the woods miles from everything. It's nice and quiet out there, too many trees. My grandfather apparently hated it, saying that you had to lie on your back to tell what time of day it was. I spent the weekend listening to my great-grandmother read poetry and learning some more Tsalagi from my great-grandfather. My brothers, Dereck and Seth, aren't interested in that stuff at all, he was happy at least someone was. It wasn't a brutal drive, three hours to the border, another hour inside Arkansas.

I started reading James Frey's A Million Little Pieces. It's interesting, I just keep in the back of my mind much of it's embellished, but at the same time I really don't care. Whatever he wrote is his dominion. I don't agree with the methods he used to sell it, but that aside, it's just a book. I'm a little sick of the whole drugs/girls/depression/self-realization
type books though, I think this'll be my last for a long while.

There's a major scene in the book where he has his mouth operated on, teeth pulled. My heart goes out to Jane right now for her toothache. I hate Dentists, I loathe their profession. I think you have to be really sadistic to become a dentist. There's to many machines and tools, that chair is a bit too bondage for me.

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