Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tell them the story raindrop


I haven't been to a TV Party in a while. My friend Carlos (of America Loves Carlos fame) recently invited me to his apartment for a True Blood/Curb Your Enthusiasm TV Party. There was plenty of dips. Plenty of chips. My water glass was refilled several times, much to my enjoyment. Thanks.

The last TV Party I went to was a LOST party, and I remember spending the whole time thinking about tropical vacations and I should be so lucky to be stuck on a tropical island without a phone. Needless to say- I wasn't really into LOST. I know tons of people reel at this, I'm not a true purveyor of television (which I'm really not) but somewhere around the early 2000's I sorta gave up on TV. I had just transferred to UNT in Denton to a new town and lived with a roommate who's life revolved around WWF/WCW so there wasn't much to discuss (not into wrestling, or even fake wrestling).
I watch internet TV and I've been watching the overly sexually charged Hard Times of R.J. Barger on Netflix streaming. I'm not proud, but I was curious. And now there's a resurgence of shows on Nickelodeon that brought back the heyday of my after schools ( The 90's Are All That) that I would like to catch. But TV just doesn't appeal to me as much as it did when I was younger, even know shows have gotten slightly geared more towards me and the comedy has gotten heaps better. I just sorta lost it there for awhile without cable, and now it feels like an influx of too too much.

This whole post is happening because I'm considering talking to my roommate about cancelling our movie channels. We have Netflix.

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