Thursday, January 29, 2009

This will affect many Americans.

25 Things About Me:

1. À la recherche du temps perdu- I have a horrible memory coupled with time loss. Things sort of get jumbled in my mind regarding time and and exactly what happened. But on the other side, I can remember things clearly like how many tire treads or road trip mix tapes, in order of song. But I don't remember where we were going or why.

2. I read on a daily basis: Cracked, The Huffington Post, Google News, Wikipedia, The Onion, McSweeney's and The Christian Science Monitor. This is where I gather all my information and still feel uninformed about the world at large.

3. In third grade I was forced to have my first abstract thought: China. I can't touch, taste or feel China, but I had to know China.

4. I refuse to see a doctor or go to the hospital. This has been ingrained in me for most of my life that if I can't fix it myself just leave it broken until I can.

5. Back to #2- I read the recent deaths section of Wikipedia every day and tally up the ages.

6. Although I studied English and Creative Writing in University, I've worked in the mental health field for 10 years come February. And although I do plan on going to grad school next year, I still want to work in with this population.

7. When I was young I wanted to be and Archaeologist. My grandmother would get up early and go bury things in her back yard in Abilene. After breakfast she would give me a trowel and a box and I'd spend all day digging.

8. I had an unhealthy obsession with Mongolia. Mostly because they were nomadic and lived in Yurts. Now I have an unhealthy obsession with Iceland. Mostly because it's far away and now they have no government. I think I just want to be far away from things.

9. The first song I learned how to play on the guitar was House of The Rising Sun, The Animals version. The second song I learned was Santa Monica by Everclear. Sparkle and Fade is still one of my favorite albums.

10. Bodega Sandwiches are my lifeforce.

11. That being said when I working I forget to eat and have to get a phonecall to remind me to eat. This happens several times a week, and I have a rainlender calendar on my desktop that reminds me to eat at 3 every day.

12. I was a member of the Young Communist League. Key word here is 'young' because I think we were all too young to really realize what being aligned with such a strong form of politics. I maybe confused about politics, but I know that I can't really stand behind Communism anymore.

13. Graphic Novels. I can spend the rest of my life writing and creating graphic novels, and It'd be an ideal job. That's my lying on the beach drinking a mimosa kind of job.

14. Getting my English degree was an exercise in defiance to the utmost degree.

15. I'm deathly afraid of getting type II Diabetes. When my Dad and my Grandmother were both diagnosed in the same week last year, I didn't sleep for at least three days and threw away a box of unopened Hot Pockets.

16. I've had many great days in a row. Things get better.

17. I talk about Denton as this city in the clouds. I remember it being that way, and then I remember days where I never left my room because I was so bored.

18. I don't like rude humor. I don't like toilet jokes. Or fart sounds.

19. I'm always encouraging people to not get tattoos.

20. I have really bad phone manners. I just don't like talking on the phone, so I make it miserable for everyone. Plus, if it's more than 2 minutes I consider that talking to you all afternoon. This is something I desperately need to work on.

21. I've read most of Dean Koontz's books in High School. Why? Why? Why? I don't know why. I think I was so against Stephen King at the time I wanted to read what no one else was reading.

22. I love cooking. I love reading about cooking. I love watching people cook. I can slice a bell pepper like it no one other.

23. I can't wear t-shirts out in public, but I have dreams of wearing t-shirts out in public. These are vivid dreams, and I'm always happy.

24. I'm afraid of becoming washed up, but I don't believe in the American Dream.

25. I miss watching Mr. Show and Kids in The Hall. Those were my favorite shows, and I just can't bear to watch them without feeling a great wave of sadness.

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