Sunday, January 18, 2009

The age of miracles, the golden age.

Crash bang, back at work and for some reason the office is re-arranged, our minifridge is on the fritz, my mailbox is full and I can't find any of my HRA forms.

They vacation has come to an end.

So, if you know me very well, and if you read this blog, I'm an avid fan of the Keanu Reeve's 1991 film Point Break. We rented it the other day just to watch it on this TV.
Does Johnny Utah's realize that they've named there bar after a certain FBI agent and former Ohio State quarterback with a heart of gold? Probably not.
Anyway, good bar, you sign a waiver without reading it, get a stamp and you can ride the mechanical bull. Not bad. Photos soon.

Right now I can't put any weight on my left ankle due to a mishap with a ladder and a bruised ego.

Tonight is Martin-i Luther King Jr. Party!

oh yeah...

and now...

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