Monday, October 01, 2007

All I really want to do is baby be friends with you.

So, tomorrow I'm going to scout furniture out.
I live in a house that has no rules,save for one. No furniture off the street. This makes it extremely hard when you walk past a table or a chair and think of how good it will look next to your iron heater or your mobile clothes rack. Or your Ikea bed.
So, day 3 of missing Ipod as well. Only today did I panic and think it not being here or in the living room. I noticed how much it's really saved me from having to listen to people on the train.
Finished Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Right now I'm reading the essays that Pilsig had written about it's success when no one wanted it. How the counterculture of the 1960's wanted nothing to do with it and everyone else paid no attention to it. The Swedish term kulturbarur translates into the English culture-bearer, which had been what the early critics called this book. Pilsig's only reply that was books aren't written for the weight of culture to be placed on them, that they're only strong enough to carry it.
Still have to finish The Game. I think next will be Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. Then the Russians. I have a plan.
Other things, great and small:
- Jamaican Beef Patties- fucking great. Tastes like biscuits and spicy sausage with every bite, and eating them will kill you. They're only $2 every where, and with coco bread, you might as well never eat anything else.
- AM News- free newspaper that you get slapped with when you leave Penn Station, or anywhere near 34th Street. It's like Dallas' Quick.
-Cool Weather- Sweater weather. No more of the insane humidity that makes normal people smell homeless all the time.
-Rapping Homeless people- Give them money. Even a penny. This talent can't be surpassed. Oh, and the homeless stand up comics. Those guys are even better.

Work in the morning. I did some internet housecleaning as well. I need to sign up for a zipcar account so I can zip over to Target and pick things up.
Oh. and apparently the largest rooftop party in Brooklyn happened a street over, and I didn't wake up for it.

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