Monday, February 19, 2007

* Who is more to be pitied, a writer bound and gagged by policemen or one living in perfect freedom who has nothing more to say?

My frontal lobe hurts.

Today was heavy. Outside of work I went to Judy and Derek's Engagement Dinner at Mignon's in Dallas ( I ate some walnuts). It was nice. I sat next to Ms. Kim and we were the only two who weren't really regaling in stories about R.E.I or marraige.

I feel like I'm coming to terms with a lot of things right now. The fact that I have to graduate. I have to move. I have to go alone. It seems like all these things are coming at me from different angles, but I think I've learned to take them less to heart. Everyone has advice for me, what to do, where to go, etc. etc. The only person I really have to listen to is myself, and before that's been tough for me to do. In the end I always choose what I want to do, but only usually after mulling what everyone else has to say. This time I just don't care anymore. I'll do whatever. It's a bit liberating.

I have to practice Shul with Rabbi Dennis this week. It's my first group project for my class. I say group loosely becuase the other two people in my group dropped (well, one is M.I.A). So I'm a group of one. He told me not to worry, that he'll be easy on me and let some of the people at the Synagogue run the other part of the show. Whew. So basically I'll have to light a candle and say a prayer in Hebrew. Fin. Not bad for 30% of my grade.

Another show. Friday here in Denton. House party w/ Koji Kondo and Trifle Towers. I posted photos on Flickr of the last show at RGRS.

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