Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I bought my mom a car, spent the rest of the money on PCP.

Man, it's like fuck.

Beutiful day outside. I have to run errangs, cash checks, pick up my bass from the shop, basically do all the things I need to do when I have time. Rabbi Dennis cancelled class so, thank you Rabbi.

Formal apology to the Sunset Bar and Grille on Sunset here in Denton. I didn't mean to throw up twice on your stairs last night. Thank you for the cheap whiskey and cokes, and it's called 'neat' when I say don't put any ice in there. NEAT. But, again, I'm sorry. Stomach, I'm sorry to. All you had for dinner was a bag of chips.

I do my usual blog reading when I wake up, try to catch up on anything that I missed and what's going on. Sasquatch Festival released a great line up this year. Boo for living far away. OH. Here's an excerpt from We Shot J.R. about us:

Decidedly less humble were Denton's Heartrapers, whose attitude towards the music and even the audience was much more attention starved and playfully confrontational. Depending on your opinion of this age-old Rock aesthetic, it was either great entertainment or gratingly annoying. There was an almost West Coast screamo feeling to their music, with The Blood Brothers more than likely an influence in addition to a handful of bands who peaked along with the rise and eventual decline of Buddyhead records earlier this decade. While watching their set, it occurred to me that DFW has had relatively few bands that would fit any of these descriptions, giving Heartrapers more of an advantage than they would have if they lived in, say, San Diego, the birthplace of much of this screaming style of hardcore. I expected a few more twists and turns in some of the playing, and though it was well executed, the rockisms in the band's demeanor were echoed by some of the standard riffing. None of what this obviously talented group did was bad and there were certainly some solid moments, but I left not being able to recall their music as much as I could probably imitate their various struts, stances and poses.

You can read the entire thing here.

I'm out.

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