Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's not exactly danger, it's... oh, I don't know. Something oppressive... like thunder.

Right now on NPR they're playing every cover of Louie Louie.
It just make me think of the Home Movies episode where Louis Braille meets Louis Pastuer.
This weekend the other half of the duo was in Washington, D.C. at Savor, so I've been left to my own devices.
Which pretty much meant Kennedy's Fried Chicken time. I don't know what it is about their food, it's not quite addictive because to actual sit and think about it is stomach churning. I cut of hood Chinese from my diet (too many risks) so Kennedy's is probably the only unhealthy vice in our neighborhood.
Today is the second half of the 9th Street International Food Festival. I'm going to get fucking Overeaters Anonymous on the Texas chili tent. I saw them setting up this morning, and the gleam in the chef's eye from Good and Plenty To Go made me feel confident.

hour later update: The Good and Plenty guy was swamped. I totally got a Crepe. I hate Crepes, but this one is banging like an West L.A. late afternoon BBQ where the meat is about to run out and people are getting together for some backyard party elsewhere.

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