Saturday, September 08, 2007

Dictated. Not read. The management.

Days off are few and far between.
Sleeping has become a luxury since moving here, and the more chance you get to sleep the better. Amy was right, you have to plan your days out, almost to the tiniest moments of where to catch the train or how fast it takes to walk from this corner to that corner.
Last night after leaving Amy & Ryan's, I got back to my stop and there was guy in the turnstiles (the cage-like turnstile not the bar type) and he was stuck. He had his bicycle wedged in between the metal, and he couldn't go backwards or forwards. He told me he'd been there for around 15 minutes (the exit I take is a very dingy building. Everyone goes out the other side). He was really fucking drunk, and he promised that if me and this girl helped him he would give us his address and make us dinner. So I pushed against the metal and she pulled the bike and he just sorta stood there dazed. We got the bike out and went out the emergency exit.
As soon as we got out he hoped on the bike and sped away yelling "so long suckers!" and adding a drunk cackle.
Lateral shrugging.

Tonight is Modest Mouse, this afternoon is Talib Kweli down the street. For fucking free.

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