Friday, March 23, 2007

You ain't nobody tell somebody kills you

Fuck today.

Work sucked. ESW (Educators Something Something) started today, and the store was full of people. Not like, "Hey-can-you-help-me-find-a-book-people" but like "Hey-why-don't-you-have-this-book-this-store-is-overpriced-and-horrible) the same woman who said that last bit actually ended up spending another hour there, rolling her eyes and complaining loudly, then bought a stack of books. We have trivia questions at work now that you can win stuff out of Amy D.W.'s office. Between Cole and I we got two of the questions right, but we had to stop and give everyone else a chance. We didn't get to pick out our stuff though. I think it's just a bunch of DVD's that we couldn't move or that are damaged for some reason.

But today was inspirational. After stocking romance I had a great plot for a romance novel I could write. Title: Big Baby Takes the Cake. There's a hot mom, an overweight baby, a drastic doctor, and the love interest, a model turned birthday party clown. I think it'll be hot on the shelves, and women will love clowns and then in turn the clowns will get respect.

Work takes place at the Radisson Hotel tomorrow, some kind of convention that I'll sit at a table all day and say, "Hey?! Don't want to take care of your special needs kids?! Consider DCMHMR!?" and give a pamphlet out. I'll have my laptop, my short stories to be edited, and unlimited cups of coffee.

Spring Break: BBQ's, Beer, Friends from NYC, two guys that looked like Gene and Dean Ween who cooked me chicken, A trunk full of women's clothing and a scrabble competition with Julie and Will.

Has anyone seen This? These two guys made this video, then they signed up with a Chinese cellphone company and Pepsi for a 5 year contract of them doing the same thing, but wearing the companies logo.

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