Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 18 – a song that you wish you heard on the radio

Sometimes you want to listen to music alone, and sometimes you like to feel that connectivity with other people.

My first year of college at SWCID, I worked part-time for a radio station, KBST. It had 3 formats: New Country, Talk Radio/Big Band and Classic Rock. My job was to come in every night and build playlists based on listener count across the nation and rotation during the week. Needless to say, I had a lot of power and influence of what was played on the radio during the day. I always thought it was funny when I'd slip in Wings' Monkberry Moon Delight right in the middle of some Classic Rock Power Hour, or Waylon Jennings in the Top 7 at 7 Fan Favorite.

So I had tons of music to sort through, and tons of albums that I would just throw on and sit on the old leather couch they had in the booth and go through my linguistics homework.

This song always came up in the Library but we never played it. And now no one cares about Freur because they became Underworld and sold 1,000,000 copies of their albums as Underworld and they were on Trainspotting.

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