Monday, June 01, 2009

Michael you would fall and turn the white snow red as strawberries

I'm insanely proud of myself for reading Less Than Zero in one day.
I re-read it because of, naturally, the correlation between novel and song of Elvis Costello. And Elvis Costello is having a show in NYC where in which there are no tickets: only a secret handshake and code word will allow you to get to see one of the greatest artist of our times.
The first time I heard Elvis Costello was Allison where I had left the bar with a friend who continually explained that she was named after the Elvis Costello song.
I've finally got everything moved into the loft in Bushwick, and am happy to say it's been great thus far. I like being back in north Brooklyn as opposed to south Brooklyn. I will miss Prospect Park being right outside my window, I will miss Park Slope, I'll miss being able to stop by Rocketship on the way home from work, but c'mon, it's Bushwick.

To take a point and turn it, Soju. I fell in love with Soju sometime before, and now have a steady supply of it in the fridge. Chum-Churum in fact. The potato based concoction has a lot of great history to it.

Registering for the Mermaid Parade. I think I may go as Neptune.

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