Wednesday, February 11, 2009

High school is such a shared experience in North American culture.

... my 10 year high school reunion is coming up.
The good thing is that I feel younger the older I get. That photo there is the 1999 Senior prom photo, and yes, that is everyone in my graduating class. I remember going home that night and vowing just to forget that these things exist.

I recently finished this book, Nowhere Man. It was a recommended read. It really touched upon a lot of ideas of identity (and the lack there of). I really liked it, I was thinking of reading it again just to really let it sink in. There were parts that I wanted to underline, but I didn't want to ruin the integrity of the book.

It really made me think about my life, and my writing. I started to read all the books that I had read before that really influenced me, that made me want to be a silly man with a typewriter and a clean, well lighted place. I've been re-reading Microserfs and Jesus' Son. Black Hole. Maybe I'm trying to identify myself through the books I've read?

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