Saturday, July 05, 2008

I've never felt more alive on a Saturday than updating my Google Earth from 4.1 to 4.3.

I've finalized my moving situation today. After seeing only three and narrowing it down to two, I'm going with the place in Prospect Park South. It's in a house, with a backyard. I'm slowly getting things together to move.
40 38 51.41" N 73 58 10.01W (Google Earth?)

Yesterday I stumbled upon a working Smith-Corona Super 12 Electric Typewriter. After casual deliberation (Erin would've bought it for me if I wouldn't have bought it) It's loud and whirs and clacks. It doesn't have auto correct, so know I have to be more careful. I think it has something to do with changing your muscle memory from a computer keyboard to a set of keys, and I remember I was a B average typist in school. We will see how it turns out.

The Fourth of July was spent with Chris on a rooftop here in Bushwick at the Ollie Dior building. The roof there is huge, and they had a slip and slide and tons of PBR. I know it's where Beirut practices, but I wasn't looking around. The lofts there aren't too bad, and they come completely furnished. It was hard to watch fireworks because they were everywhere. We had to keep spinning around. We saw at least four planes overhead, and wondered it would be like to see fireworks from the window of a plane.

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