Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Local Booksellers Union 582

Fucking cold weather. I can't feel my hands as I walk down the street.
I left my gloves somewhere, or they fell out of my pocket in Penn Station, or they're just missing. Fuck.

So, the contest with Erin is holding up well. I've gotten through three novels so far:

Paul Auster- Moon Palace
Upton Sinclair- Oil! (basis for There Will Be Blood- the newest PTA film)
Patrick McCabe- Breakfast on Pluto
and currently reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

The roomates are practicing and it sounds fucking amazing. Heartrapers would be jealous.

At work we've been listening to the Dethalbum (Dethklok) nearly everyday, at least twice a day. I think I need to make a grindcore/death metal mix, and I need suggestions.

And since Netflix is still my best friend forever (sorry Jacob.) This is my current queue:
Prayer of the Rollerboys (1991)
Swampthing (1982)
Freaked (1993)
Critters (1986)
The Gate (1987)
Tapeheads (1988)

It's very Proustian for me to watch these.

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