Saturday, December 15, 2007

You kill me and I'll see that you never work in this town again.

You're day will come in peace.
It's... Saturday. I only have two days off a week- Wednesday and Saturday- and I find that on these days, like the days I work, I have to get up early so I can jam pack my entire day doing things I need to do. Here time is everything.
I've recently felt the pangs of addiction with the sudden and harsh realization that there is not a single spot in the NYC area (including New Jersey) that serves Shiner. It was swift and alarming, and I found myself searching for tickets on a Chinese bus (notorious for turning over, catching fire, but with reasonably cheap seat fare) to Philadelphia, where a bar somewhere has it on tap. I have designs.

Saturday- I've been drunk since 11am, which isn't uncommon when you're brewing beer with your girlfriend. The glass bottles (the size of pony kegs) sit in the living room, fermenting. There is nothing like the smell of fermenting hops when you open the door, nothing like it. They sit and they stir and wait to be bottled. It will be a great day when they finally get to be poured into the many bottles we've (I've) accumulated with my constant drinking.

On another note: I've joined an Improv team that performs at the People's Improv Theatre on 29th street between 6th ave. and 7th. ave. Comedy galore. I haven't yet perfected my 8 minutes of stand up, and found myself rather enjoying the haphazard and racing feel of improv.

Fuck Brian for not calling me about Zack Galifianakis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm fuck you right back.

so i noticed there are three different types of people that go to shows like galifianakis.

1. people like me just there to laugh and watch the show.

2. comedy nerds uninterested in whether someone is "funny" or not, more interested in critiquing (sp?) the performance with ideas like "she seemed very clam and okay with her situation, like shes been there before, she had a smooth delivery. the first girl seemed nervous, like an amateur." as if this asshoole in the shitter line could do better

3. the worst person is the dicknose who thinks he is just as funny as the comedian and between sets tries to make everyone laugh with his witty observational humor about the people trying to find their seats. hi lar i ous. he also is invariably the same guy who tries to "help" the comedian by yelling non sequitors out during the set. as if a comedian who just sold out a 2500 seat theatre needs help. he has been here before dude. he knows what he is doing.

i want to see your hindenburg-like stand up attempt on you tube asap.
