Wednesday, October 22, 2008

ASTEROIDS (assorted prices, unimportant)

These will be the topics in the following posts:

-The Fruit-basket
-drugs and my friends
-chemistry blunder
-music and lit references

It's not really essay format. I lied. It's sort of a challenge to try and recall each of these topics and correlate it with your life. Some easy ("I AM THE MAN") some harder (The Fruit-basket) but it gives me something better to write. Rather this that write about how I finally threw away that shark fin soup I had in the fridge.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey, here's a trivia question: Why would I wanna do that?

So, I missed the debate again.

We trucked it out to the Zombie Hut in Gowanus. They had too many distractions: Deluxe Scrabble, $2 PBR's and this thing here on the right, the Scorpion Bowl.

So, in my with my Indiana Jones like furor that I scour NYC for the best Mexican food (many people say you have to head to New Jersey) Owen, Kerrie and I hit up El Cantinero last Saturday. Pricey, yes, good, alright. I had the Burrito and Enchilida Suiza. The rice was killer. Like, killed-me-and-forged-a-suicide-note-and-threw-me-in-The East River-type-killed.

I need a certain list of topics to essay all on.
Give them to me.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

They don't have nothin', it's like a flea market threw up in there.

Thank you new Deerhoof album. You've made my week.

Right now I'm listening to Will Sheff (Okkervil River)run through a 44 minute DJ set. I've never really listened to Okkervil River but I've always considered them.

Hey, Sunday morning is not the time to be upset with two homeless guys.
Unless they're digging through the garbage right outside your window and making a mess of the staircase.
Not cool homeless guy with red gloves. Not cool homeless guy with dreadlock in your goatee.

Pitchfork is releasing The Pitchfork 500. The 500 top songs of all time. Pre-order from Insound.

Npr released a
list of recommended books. Some of them I read. I'd really like to read Consider the Lobster.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

I'll be your lucky star at the Cafe Wah

One of my favorite novelists, Danica Novgorodoff has a new book coming out,Slow Storm. Right on.

Right now I'm sitting on the floor in my living room watching the sky get darker. I always like fall- the oncoming weather makes me feel more productive. Something Pavlovian? Not sure.

Last night I went to Lobo for $3 crispy iced out Stellas and to watch a couple of guys jab at each other politically. John McCain and Barack Obama. I don't really rely on politics for anything, to me it's like gravity. It's there, I know it's there, I don't really worry about it. I grew up with a photo of Ronald Reagan hanging in the hallway. So, I gave it a shot.
...for about ten minutes. There was an older woman at the bar who ruined the whole thing. Scratch that. Ruined the whole thing for everyone.
Yes, okay, I get it. No one likes McCain or Palin. Good. Great. She's creepy and he's creepy and that baby Trigger is creepy. McCain is like your slow uncle with that far off gaze like he's in the parking lot of Wal-Mart and can't remember where he parked his car. But old lady at the bar, let me hear what he fucking has to say.
Every time he started to speak she would yell "Yeah Right!" and "You're a liar!" and if she had nothing intelligent such as those quips she would just exclaim "ha!" real loud. She would shush everyone while Obama was speaking. I'm sorry. I just can't take ignorance to the opposition. Just let us hear what he has to say. I don't care if you agree or not.

Anyway, Top Blog Secret: I didn't vote in the last election. I admit it. I also admit I get uncomfortable when people turn to me and want me to agree to criticize President Bush with them. I didn't vote, so I don't feel that camaraderie that a lot of people feel.
1: Hey, Bush is doing a bad job! He's a moron!
2: I didn't vote for him!
1: Me neither!
2: Awesome. Let's celeberate!
(high five or reassuring chuckle coupled with head nod)

With all of this I do throw my lot in with Obama. He makes sense.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Why Must I Cry?

Yes. Thanks, now I have this song stuck in my head 24/7.
I finally got around to getting furniture at IKEA. The trek that you have to endure in moving furniture without a car- man, mean city living. I just said screw it and got a car service to car us back. But now I'm surprisingly more productive!

Friday night met up with Kerrie and Cindy at Bedford and headed in to see Chris at Terra Blues. We had seen TMBG right across the street a week before. The place was chill- older, more jazzy (in two ways).
After there I finally went to a Hookah bar. The Luxor Cafe. It just happened to be across from an awesome falafel spot, so we ended up there smoking some tutti-frutti through a pipe that made me feel all regal.

Band practice today. I have to learn 12 songs in about an hour and a half.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Choke on this you dance-a-teria types!

Oh. Yeah. This is a thing. Please make it a thing in your life.

Last night Cindy and I caught A Man for All Seasons at American Airlines Theatre. First off, George Morfogen who played Bob Rebadow on Oz played Thomas Cramner, Archbishop of Canterbury. Anyway, Thomas More was a humanist scholar, head advisor to Henry the VIII during the time he was divorcing Catherine of Aragon and hooking up with Anne Boleyn, wanting to make her the new Queen. Thomas More didn't stand behind it, because of the whole reason of forming the new Church of England. He was still loyal to the Church and was friends with Catherine of Aragon. Instead of protesting it, he just kept quiet. Not answering to any of the allegations brought against him, he was forced to resign and burned at the stake for high treason. He knew it was wrong, and instead of joining up with the rest of the advisors and blindly supporting the King, he was punished for what he felt was right.
It really made me think how many times I've blindly followed when I leaned the other way.

Anyway, I have these next three days off. I'm trying to make the best of things by applying ton of burn cream on my bandaged hands and making Autumn mixtapes. I was supposed to go to Rockaway Beach today, but I had laundry to do.

Anybody want to go to this with me?